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Blog Waxing and Growing

Waxing and Growing


Blessings Beloveds!

It's been quite some time since you have received email communications from me. I have been guided to re-establish a connection with you all and engage more frequently. (🎶It's been a long time.. I shouldn't have left you.. without a dope beat to step to, step to, step to..🎶😊) 

Nevertheless, how have you been? Many of you have connected with me on Clubhouse and have participated in various programs that I have offered over the years. For those of you who may be wondering if I am still on Clubhouse, yes indeed I am! In fact, this is why I am providing this email to you all in my email community. I have just recently begun a new weekly book reading series which is held every Monday at 8pm Eastern. We just begun this past Monday with a new book entitled "The Optimized Woman: Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Achieve Success and Fulfillment" written by Miranda Gray. If you are interested in participating in this live book reading, you are welcome to join us this coming Monday at 8pm Eastern.

Join us on Clubhouse Here

On another note, we have been very busy with other sacred spaces that were held off of Clubhouse as well. On February 24, 2024 for the full moon, I hosted my very first World Wide Womb Blessing Circle on Zoom and it was a PHENOMENAL experience!! Although I did not share this first Womb Blessing Circle with you all on my email list (womp, womp, womp! Yeah, I deserve a cussing for that! 😩), I will be hosting another World Wide Womb Blessing Circle for the full moon in May of 2024. The World Wide Womb Blessing circle is an exciting opportunity for women and girls to come together in sacred circle to receive the Womb Blessing frequencies administered by myself along with many other initiated Moon Mothers around the world. It is a beautiful exchange of frequencies to support us as we deepen our connection with our wombs and receive her guidance and wisdom. If you are interested in participating, feel free to reply to this email requesting to be placed on the waitlist to register and join the next Womb Blessing Circle, this is a free event however registration is required. 

Additionally, we have also been gathering for full moon meditation circles since January as well so feel free to message me if you are interested in participating in the upcoming Full Moon Meditation circle which will be held on Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 7pm Eastern, which is also free to participate and no registration required.

Lastly, I just concluded an amazing 6-week intensive with a small group of women on the Moontime Consciousness teachings and that was a POWERFUL experience unto itself. I will be hosting several other intensives starting in April as well for those who may be interested in what new teachings and offerings I may have. 

In closing, I thank you for continuing this journey with me as we return back home to ourselves and our power from the juciest realms of our pleasure!

May you experience ease, pleasure, and flow, always and in all ways,

Nichole D. Charles


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