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Welcome to the Goddess Code Mentorship Application!
This space is curated for the containment of all the information necessary for your Discovery Session and Application for the Goddess Code Mentorship.
Firstly, you will complete the Questionnaire in the Tell Me About You lesson and be sure to answer all of the questions in order to gain access to the next lesson, which is for you to Schedule Your Discovery Session. In order to move forward to the next lesson, you must complete the current lesson by "marking the lesson as complete" once you have completed all the prompts.
Once you have scheduled your Discovery Session, you will receive an email confirmation with the details for that session. Should you need to reschedule your Discovery Session, a link will be provided in your confirmation email for you to reschedule. It is important that when you schedule your Discovery Session that it is on a date and time and location where you are comfortable, safe and there will be no distractions or interruptions.
Thank you for completing your application and I look forward to meeting with you.
Nichole D. Charles, Facilitator
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