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Sacred Feminine Connection Membership

18 Modules + Community

Sacred Feminine Connection Membership

Welcome to the Sacred Feminine Connection Membership

Sacred Feminine Connection: Feminine Spirituality Practices

This is the space for the implementation of your daily spiritual practices. For the Feminine, consisent, regular spiritual practices begets mastery and the deepening into the knowing of the Divine Feminine. With this, you cultivate devotion; devotion to the Divine in you, cultivation of dedication. In this Module, provided are several and various spiritual practices that are feminine-focused for the deepening and expansion into your Feminine, for mastery and containment.

Sacred Feminine Connection: Femininity is Home: The Sacred Art of Homemaking

We expand this Membership container to bring forth the Sacred Art of Homemaking. 

Feng Shui: Creating Order and Directing the Flow Within the Home

The teachings provided in this module is from my personal collection of teachings from Marie Diamond that I have utilized to guide the flow of energy within myself and my home. This is a great way to assess and begin to structure your home to guide the flow of energy within it to support yourself and your family. 

Book Reading: Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine by Shonagh Home

Audio Book Readings: Ritual: Power, Healing and Community by Malidoma Patrice Some

Audio Book Reading held via Zoom on October 2, 2023.

Audio Book Reading: Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping

Membership Teaser

Welcome to the Sacred Feminine Connection Teaser Module for those who are interested in joining the membership, but want to know what this container encompasses. Provided here are a few teachings and lessons contained in the membership for you to listen to and get an understanding of what you will be signing up for in this sacred container. In addition to the lessons and teachings contained in the membership, we also have a community portal as well as several audio book reading and bonus sessions. 

Modules for this gateway 18
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 Sacred Feminine Connection Monthly
 $ 207.74 USD  ( then $207.74 USD a month )
 Sacred Feminine Connection Annual
 $ 518.59 USD  ( then $518.59 USD a year )

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