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Blog Culmination



Blessings Beloveds!

SPRING IS HERE! How are you feeling with all of these changes that are happening and to come? I have no advice to offer in that regard other than SURRENDER. ALLOW. Allow space for you to open and expand into the POWER of these shifts and changes. When you constrict, there is no space for transformation, transmutation, and energy to move and flow through you.

We continue with our book reading on Clubhouse on Monday evenings at 8pm Eastern with the book entitled: "The Optimized Woman: Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Achieve Success and Fulfillment" written by Miranda Gray. The journey together with this book has been very refreshing and expansive. If you are interested in participating for our next meeting, join below.

Join us on Clubhouse here

On another note, we have been very busy with other sacred spaces that are held off of Clubhouse as well. On Sunday, March 24, 2024 for the full moon, I will be hosting our Full Moon Womb Meditation Circle on Zoom at 7pm Eastern. If you are interested, feel free to reply to this email so that I can add you to the list to join.

As for Womb Circles, I will be hosting my next World Wide Womb Blessing Circle on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 8pm Eastern. If you are interested in participating, feel free to reply to this email so that I can add you to the list. Although these Circles are free to participate, for the World Wide Womb Blessing Circle, registration is required in order to participate. The Womb Blessing Circle held in February was a powerfull (typo stays.. 😉) and energetically clearing experience. Many of us experienced tremendous shedding and releasing on an energetic level that is expressing or has expressed externally as well. As I have reflected upon what that full moon ushered in for me personally and for the ladies that participated and shared, I see where we are making room to bring in new frequencies, opportunities with the seasion of spring. These energies are huge! As such, we must be prepared to receive them. We must cultivate the capacity to contain and hold these new energies, and you want to know something really phenomenal with this: We are structurally desgined to contain and hold these new frequencies. As women, our physical form is designed for this growth and expansion. So when you obeserve your weight fluctuating, your belly and breasts becoming round and full, our form is literally showing us that we are ripe, and full with potential to create. It is important that we embrace this fullness that we experience. When we constrict this, we constrict our capacity to create and for that creative energy to flow and move through us. In fact, at the time of writing this, I am at my fullest; I am experiencing ovulation. This is what our menstrual cycle teaches us. With the book reading on Clubhouse as well as my upcoming intensive: 2024 Moontime Consciousness Intensive- Spring Cohort we are reclaiming the sacred wisdom in understanding what our guiding compass, our menstrual cycles offer us. Expansion into our power as Women. The Moontime Consciousness Intensive is a 6-week journey and a reclamation ceremony for menstruating and non-menstruating women. THIS WISDOM IS FOR ALL WOMEN. We begin this 6-week journey on April 5, 2024. Are you hearing the call Beloved? Will you heed the call? The Feminine is waiting with her arms outstretched and open to receive her Daughters.

In closing, I thank you for continuing this journey with me as we return back home to ourselves and our power from the juciest realms of our pleasure!

May you experience ease, pleasure, and flow, always and in all ways,

Nichole D. Charles


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